We don't have a recording for this yet
Now I Lift My Eyes
Now I lift my eyes
Shine the light on me
Lift me up from falling
Down on my knees

Through this world I move
Living life, receiving
This path, my Direção
I do believe

Não compreensão
Me entregar na frente
De seu coração

Dentro do jardim
Belas flores rosas
A curador aqui
Dos meus companheiros
Now I Lift My Eyes
Now I lift my eyes
Shine the light on me
Lift me up from falling
Down on my knees

Through this world I move
Living life, receiving
This path, my Direction
I do believe

Fading (with)
No understanding
Surrender me in front
Of your heart

Within the garden
Beautiful flowers, roses
The curator here
Of my companions