We don't have a recording for this yet
Reino Do Cristal
P’ro Reino do Cristal
Meu Pai que me chamou
P’ro Reino do Cristal
Conhecer mimosa flôr

P’ro Reino do Cristal
Minha Mãe que me chamou
P’ro Reino do Cristal
Conhecer este primor

No Reino do Cristal
Recebi meu beija-flor
Agora vou seguindo
Semeando este amor

A vós eu agradeço
De todo o coração
Oh meu Santo Paizinho
Meu Padrinho Sebastião
Reino Do Cristal
To the Kingdom of Crystal
It was my Father who called me
To the Kingdom of Crystal
To know tender flower

To the Kingdom of Crystal
It was my Mother who called me
To the Kingdom of Crystal
To know this perfection

In the Crystal Kingdom
I received my hummingbird
Now I am going
Sowing this love

I give you thanks
With all my heart
Oh my Holy Father
My Padrinho Sebastião