Recording source: Doran's SkyDrive
Shining, all the love
Receiving all the love
It's the truth
We must feel from above

Enter the holy path
Calm, serene and kind
It's the truth in your heart
You will find

Enter the family
Feel your will to be free
Brightening with the Sun
You came to find

Express yourself to be sure
But make sure you will is pure
With the truth
That we all came to find

With the cross upon your heart
You will have a brand new start
Everything that is here
You came to find

The drama is yesterday's
Feel the chance to pray
That this prison will release
Its heavy boughs

The choice now is yours
Your will here to serve
No more problems since
The truth is in your heart

With commitment you will serve
Under the flag of truth
This is your path
You have chosen from the start