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Recording source: Hinos do Santo Daime

Recording source: YouTube

Recording source: Portland April 2012
Ciranda Do Santo Daime
O que Papai me deu
Mamãe consagrou
Gira, gira, criancinha, gira
Na ciranda do amor
Gira, gira, criancinha, gira
Que a Virgem Mãe mandou

O que Mamãe me disse
Papai confirmou
Gira, gira, caboclinha, gira
Gira na gira do amor
Gira, gira, caboclinha, gira
Na gira que Deus mandou

O velho tempo passa
Novo tempo chegou
Novo mundo, novo povo, nova era,
E um novo professor
Novo mundo, novo povo, nova era
E um novo professor
Ciranda Do Santo Daime
That which Papai gave to me
Mamãe consecrated it
Go ‘round, go ‘round, little child, go ‘round
In the ciranda of love
Go ‘round, go ‘round, little child, go ‘round
For the Virgin Mother ordered it

That which Mamãe said
Papai confirmed it
Go ‘round, go ‘round, caboclinha, go ‘round
Go ‘round in the ring of love
Go ‘round, go ‘round, caboclinha, go ‘round
Go ‘round in the ring, for God ordered it

The old time passes
The new time has arrived
New world, new people, new age,
And a new teacher
New world, new people, new age,
And a new teacher