Recording source:

Recording source:
Luz De Jesus
Se a mente está confusa
E não sabe o que está vivendo
Se firme no trabalho
Volte ao que estava fazendo

Voltei para o começo
Vi que já estava vencendo
Já tinha visto o Eu divino
E lá ia me esquecendo

Toda riqueza do mundo
A terra irá tragar
Mas a luz do meu Jesus
Esta veio para ficar

Minha Mãe que está no céu
Vós que sois pura de amor
Me dê esse discernimento
Pra eu por a luz no velador
Luz De Jesus
If the mind is confused
And it doesn’t know what is living
Be firm in the work
Go back to what it was doing

I came back to the beginning
I saw that I was already winning
I had already seen the Divine Self
And I was forgetting

All wealth in the world
The Earth will swallow
But the Light of my Jesus
This came to stay

My Mother who is in the Sky
You who are pure of Love
Give me this discernment
For me to put the Light in its support