Recording source: Céu da Divina Luz

Recording source: Doran's SkyDrive
Com a força da chuva
A força do vento
Ele é Tolelelechon
Ele vem da pedreira
Ele vem das águas
Tlaloc o enviou

Relampejou, relampejou
Apareceu Xangó
E um trovão
E um trovão
Assim anunciou

Ele vem das colinas
Da pedreira sagrada
Ele é Tolelelechon
A plantar a semente
Do nosso Pai
Em todo coração

O tempo é chegado
Para aparelhar
E aqui estou
Trabalho na linha
De Tupinamba
Ele e meu protetor
With the power of the rain
The power of the wind
He is Tolelelechon
He comes from the quarry
He comes from the water
Tlaloc is who sent him

There was Lightning,
There was Lightning
Xangó appeared
Through thunder
Through thunder
Is how he announced

He comes from the hills
From the Holy quarry
He is Tolelelechon
To plant the seed
Of our Father
In every heart

The time has come to incorporate
And here I am
I work in the line
Of Tupinamba
He is my protector