Recording source: Malcolm Kyle MediaFire
Santa Madalena
Tão triste era Madalena
Quando Jesus ela encontrou
Ajoelhou-se a Seus pés
Arrependida ela chorou

Tão lindo era Jesus Cristo
Quando a ela perdoou
Pois ele sabe de que é feito
O barro com que nos criou

Depois que conheceu a luz
Madalena ainda pecou
Sua mente era prisioneira
De sete demônios que atuou

Jesus Cristo ordenou
E Madalena ficou limpa
Fidelidade ela jurou

Jesus ensina Seus filhos
A matéria estudar
Mais vale aquele que for limpo
Que junto a Ele vai sentar
Santa Madalena
So sad was Magdalene
When Jesus found her
Kneeling down over His feet
Repentant she cried

So beautiful was Jesus Christ
When he forgave her
For he knows of what it’s made
The clay that created us

After having known the Light
Magdalene still sinned
Her mind was a prisoner
Of the seven demons which acted
through her

Jesus Christ ordered
And Magdalene became clean
And fidelity she has sworn

Jesus teaches His sons
To study the material
Worth more is that which is clean
Who next to Him will be seated