Recording source: Unknown
Festa De São Miguel
Viva a festa de São Miguel
Afirmada na beira-mar
Viva a festa de São Miguel
Com seus sete Orixás

Viva a festa de São Miguel
Com os jovens a festejar
Viva a festa de São Miguel
Com seus sete Orixás

Viva a festa de São Miguel
Com os jovens a festejar
Viva a festa de São Miguel
Viva Meu Pai Oxalá

Viva São João Batista
A Rainha Universal
Nossa soberana Mãe
Da corte celestial

Chegou São Miguel Arcanjo
Com seus anjos arrodeando
Chegou São Miguel Arcanjo
Com seus anjos nos festejando
Festa De São Miguel
Viva the celebration of Saint Michael
Affirmed at the sea shore
Viva the celebration of Saint Michael
With his seven Orixas

Viva the celebration of Saint Michael
With the young ones celebrating
Viva the celebration of Saint Michael
With his seven Orixas

Viva the celebration of Saint Michael
With the young ones celebrating
Viva the celebration of Saint Michael
Viva my Father Oxala

Viva Saint John the Baptist
The Universal Queen
Our Sovereign Mother
From the celestial court

Archangel Saint Michael arrived
With his angels surrounding
Archangel Saint Michael arrived
With his angels celebrating us