We don't have a recording for this yet
Jesus Cristo Era Judeo
Jesus Cristo era Judeu
Ele rezou em Hebraico:
Bendito sois Vós Senhor
O Rei do Universo

Sáo Joao era Judeu
Ele batizou em Hebraico
E os Judeus foram limpados
Nas aguas do Jordão

Virgem Maria era Judeu
Ela chorou em Hebraico
No pé do Santo Cruzeiro
Firmado na Santa Luz

Esta história continua
Com os Judeus do Santo Daime
Eles rezem em Portuguese:
Pai Nosso, Ave Maria

Jesus Cristo era Judeo
Ele rezou em Hebraico:
Agradeço o meu Pai Eterno
Que nos da vida e saúde
E nos traz a este tempo
Jesus Cristo Era Judeo
Jesus Christ was Jewish
He prayed in Hebrew:
Blessed art Thou Lord
King of the Universe

Saint John was Jewish
He baptized in Hebrew
And the Jews were cleansed
In the waters of the Jordan

Virgin Mary was Jewish
She cried in Hebrew
At the foot of the Holy Cross
Firmed in the Holy Light

This story continues
With the Jews of Santo Daime
They pray in Portuguese:
Our Father, Hail Mary

Jesus Christ was Jewish
He prayed in Hebrew:
I thank you my Eternal Father
Who gives us life and health
And brings us to this season