Ninguém Quer Acreditar
Ninguém quer acreditar
No poder divinal

Ninguém sentir a força
Da Mãe da Natureza
Da Mãe divinal

Vamos rogar, vamos rezar
Vamos chamar, vamos chamar

O Mãe da formosura
O Virgem da Natureza
Vem aqui nos abençoar

Tem que ser bem pequeninho
Com grande humildade

Para entrar no reinado
Com grande devoção
A Rainha da Floresta
Mamãe da Criação
Ninguém Quer Acreditar
No one wants to believe
In the Divine Power

No one feels the force
Of Mother Nature
Of the Divine Mother

Let’s beg, lets pray
Let’s call, let’s call

O Mother of Beauty
O Virgin of Nature
Come here to bless us

One has to be very small
With a lot of humility

To enter into the Kingdom
With much devotion
The Queen of the Forest
Mother of Creation
Ninguém Quer Acreditar
No one wants to believe
In the Divine Power

No one feels the force
Of Mother Nature
Of the Divine Mother

Let’s beg, lets pray
Let’s call, let’s call

O Mother of Beauty
O Virgin of Nature
Come here to bless us

One has to be very small
With a lot of humility

To enter into the Kingdom
With much devotion
The Queen of the Forest
Mother of Creation